Wednesday, March 7, 2012

a taste of spring

I took advantage of the weather & drove to Yankton yesterday...met a random woman (Cherry) on a bridge and walked&talked with her for a while, walked along the riverfront, and walked up and down their "historic downtown" area which took all of 5.5 minutes. My car said it was 77 degrees...not sure I buy that but it was beautiful and windy and felt epically midwestern. On the way back to Vermillion I followed signs to Spirit Mound which I knew was one of Vermillion's recreational attractions. It wasn't much to look at and smelled skanky because of the nearby landfill but I took a brochure I'm sure I'll never read anyway. Great day. 
Spirit Mound 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

the Super Bowl

~2 hours to kickoff.

Anxiety intensified: check.
Emotions high: check.
Tearing up when reading anything about the Pats: check.
Superstitions kicked into overdrive: check.
Fondly reminiscing about past emotional games: check.
Avoidance of anything/everything remotely related to NY: check.

Complete disregard for school work: check. 

Mentally prepping for utter devastation: check.
Mentally prepping for utter jubilation: check.

The last two weeks have been excruciatingly long.

I might have no idea what my life's calling is;

I might have no idea what i'm going to do with my life;
I might have no idea what i want to do with my life; 
And I might get devastatingly depressed when having to answer the prompt, "identify what you are most passionate about." (it might even cause me to avoid an assignment altogether) 

But the one thing I do know—with unyielding resolve—is that even in my darkest days, nothing rivals the consistent intensity of my passion for football and for my team. 

I live and breathe football.

Regardless of volatile dynamics, football has always been a way for my family to transcend the chaos and connect to one another. 
Regardless of my physical location, football has always been a way for me to feel like I'm home again.

For me, football evokes feelings of community, loyalty, heartbreak, and joy; it evokes the warm glow of what it means to be home.  

For me, its more than just a game.   

Friday, January 27, 2012

you probably think this song is about you

Its 9.32p on Friday, January 27 2012. In 10 years (god i hope i have that long), when i ask--to no one in particular--when i started to get so old please refer me to this date. 

I just plucked a white hair from my head. And there were more to choose from too. Its not JUST white hairs sprouting from the top of my head. No. Two days ago I plucked a white hair from my eyebrow!!!!
it even had a white root!!!

I never thought id be someone who gave a fuck about getting older, but as the years start to creep on by, and the wrinkles on my forehead get deeper, all the while i still haven't gotten my shit completely together, i have to say i'm feeling pretty vain about the whole damn thing. While i have no doubt that at the right age i could rock a glistening gray mane, this early onset hair lightening is making me feel old. at 26. blech.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tragedy at Cherry Lane

there are now chalk outlines on the floor to mark the scene of the crime
Goddamn breakfast sandwich couldn't fall to the floor intact in which case the 5 second rule would've been applicable. Nope. Every ingredient touched the surface of the rug, worst of all, landing cheese-side down. All because I cheaped out and bought flimsy paper plates. Life is rough and unexpected.  

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter Jizzed on mah face.

Besides the brutal attack on my face,
my day was lovely.

I'd like to point out the color difference between my face and my neck. This isn't a photoshop job gone horribly awry. This is what my face looks like after being raped by the wind on a 7 minute walk from the library to my apartment. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

This Bitch is Back in SoDak!

My historic lack of follow-through means I won't be posting New Years Resolutions. Your welcome.

i now own a flask!
I purchased the majority of my books on amazon so naturally I ordered a few non-school related treats for myself as well.... 
    • a flask (i think it fits my character)
    • chocolate covered espresso beans
    • iPhone cover 
Tonight's festivities:
      • BCS Championship (rooting for LSU)
      • The Bachelor (drinking beer & watching with boo)
I'll make a real concerted effort to write more consistently. For rizz. xoxo

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

the week (so far) in pictures

 At least once any given weekend I force my parents to watch an episode of man v. food so naturally i made them get on stage at the m v. f booth at the BBQ Battle to take a picture. 

 Oh yeah the wiener mobile!!

I nearly set off the fire alarm (again) cooking grilled chicken w/roasted sweet peppers & fresh salsa fajitas with Sharon.

 My dad turned 60 on tuesday. Holy eff balls that is old. The family enjoyed a delish dinner at Clydes Willow Creek Farm in Ashburn. 

 Mom, Steph, and I spent 2.5 hours at Kohls today... bras, underwear, jeans, bathing suits, sunglasses, workout clothes, jerseys, capris, etc. It was a miracle upon miracle that I lasted that long & didn't kill steph for not understanding the value of a dollar. 

 Dear Jesus. The woman who rung us up let us scratch about 10 coupon cards and they all said 15% but she gave us 20% off the entire order anyway!! Insanity. 

We finished the afternoon at Olive Garden. It was ghetto fabulous. The Pakistani(?) couple that sat next to us had theeeeee worst body odor that kept wafting over to our table & fucking up the aroma of our pasta.