Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blonde is better...the second time around.

I have been working diligently on my art history project for two weeks.
(huge shout out to Stone for her help!!!)

I've easily spent 24 hours total on it so far. A lot of my time has been spent trying out different techniques to get the right aesthetic effect I'm looking for.

Right now, the mask is 80% complete.

The 20% left is the hair & it needs to be perfect because it will make or break the entire project.

So far, I've experimented with hay flames, paper mache, and aluminum foil.

Today I went to Party City & picked up a "flapper" wig, a brown beard, and crepe paper. Not sure how I am going to use any of those things but the experimenting begins tomorrow.

I am leaning towards cutting the flapper wig and painting it to look like flames and then gluing it to the mask.
(Any thoughts, suggestions, or helpful hints?)

Until then, however, I am going to wear the wig.

Blonde suits me.

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE kimmie circa 1920 <3

    i can't wait to see the final masterpiece!!
